Bluetone QRD N23 is a 23 root acoustic diffusor design with well widths of 30mm and deepest well depth of 100mm. Having a large number of narrow wells, it effectively diffuses sound waves in a very wide spectrum of frequencies. It is a 1D hemi-disc sound diffuser, meaning it disperses reflections by spreading sound energy left and right in the horizontal plane.
Bluetone QRD N23 Acoustic Diffuser provides excellent sound diffusion in mid and mid-high frequency range and additional scattering below and above the diffusion range. The QRD N23 diffusers can be placed on the rear wall to diffuse sound waves reflecting back into the room to make the room sound larger and give it greater air. They can also be placed at first reflection points to dilute the concentration of the direct sound, reduce flutter echo and so widen the soundstage and improve sound quality.
Technical Specs
- Diffusion range: 705 Hz – 4777 Hz
- Dimensions: 100cm x 50cm x 11.5cm
- Well Width: 36 mm
- Largest well depth: 10 cm
- Weight: 9.5 kg
- Material: Birch plywood