Bluetone QRD N17 is a 17 root acoustic diffuser design with well widths of 50 mm and deepest well depth of 100mm. It has a large number of narrow wells, which enables for effective dispersion of sound waves in a wide spectrum of frequencies.
Built from birch hardwood plywood, Bluetone QRD N17 boasts mid and high frequency diffusion which is not achievable with lightweight plastic diffusers. In order to provide the most effective sound waves diffusion (rather than absorb them), QRD N17 Diffuser is made of thick and rigid wood.
QRD N17 diffusers can be placed on the side walls or a rear wall in order to diffuse sound waves reflecting back into the room. They can also be placed at first reflection points to dilute the concentration of the direct sound. QRD diffusion makes the room sound larger, while its natural ambience stays not affected. QRD N17 diffuser is a perfect choice for reducing flutter echo and enhancing your musical experience.
Technical Specs
- Diffusion range: 705 Hz – 3440 Hz
- Dimensions: 100cm x 50cm x 11.5cm
- Deepest well depth: 10cm
- Diffusion type: 1-Dimensional (1D)
- Material: Birch Plywood
- Colors available: natural
- Weight: 8.5 kg